Monday, October 4, 2010

Iron Mountain Road and some Very Large Carvings

Barry had chosen a good hotel for us all to meet, just off I-90 and within walking distance of a number of restaurants. I was impressed by the towel art. ;-)

Barry survived riding pillion with me to the Harley dealership that had his bike, and once he had reclaimed Old Glory we had a nice ride on some of the great roads of the area--  Norris Peak, Nemo, and then Vanocker Canyon ending in Sturgis, where Barry recounted his visit in 2009 during the yearly Harley gathering. He seemed gobsmacked to see the town so empty, recalling the madhouse it had been previously. There was a  Mustang owner's group rally however, which explained the number of cool older and hot-rodded 'Stangs I'd seen being trailered west on I- 90.  After returning to Rapid we had a pleasant dinner and brought each other up to date on our lives since we'd last been together.

The next morning Barry, Rob, Dennis and I discussed where we would ride. I had plotted a variety of local routes into my Zumo in advance of the trip. I've been to the Black Hills many times, Barry once; but Rob and Dennis never.  We decided to ride the Iron Mountain road (16A), with its 'pig tail' bridges, and then see Mt Rushmore. Barry didn't care to muscle the Road King through the very tight twists of the road, so chose a different route to meet up at the granite Presidents.
Mt. Rushmore far in the left background.

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