Monday, October 4, 2010

Crossed signals

While riding the Iron Mountain road we stopped several times to view the surrounding beauty. There was one particularly good overlook where we walked around and took pictures.
Dennis and Rob walk to the overlook.

 Upon leading us out of the parking lot I got confused (not an unusual occurrence for me) and turned the wrong way. I soon realized my error and slowed to let Dennis overtake me, intending to inform him we should turn around. He thought I wanted him to lead, so zoomed off down the mountain. For miles I pursued him, flashing lights, waving and honking the horn, but he never noticed; and given the traffic and twisty nature of the road I was unable to overtake him. I finally pulled into a parking lot when I got to the valley, and Rob joined me. He said he figured Dennis would eventually realize we weren't with him and return, so volunteered to wait while I rode on to join Barry at Mt. Rushmore.

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